Platelet Rich Plasma PRP.

One of the treatments that has revolutionized the world of aesthetics and has become one of the first line weapons in the fight against aging, are the so-called platelet-rich plasma therapies.

Becoming one of the fastest growing aesthetic procedures in terms of level of applications in medical clinics.

Extending its use, even to non-aesthetic medical procedures, such as the treatment of degenerative pain syndromes of the shoulder and knee.

What is Platelet Rich Plasma ?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is the blood plasma obtained after the extraction of a sample of the patient’s own blood, which is centrifuged in order to separate the platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells. This plasma contains powerful active substances that help slow down the aging process, but can also be used to promote healing, relieve pain by acting on areas previously damaged by chronic degenerative conditions and during the performance of surgical procedures.
When activated, platelets release glycoproteins and various growth factors, which interact with cells such as skin fibroblasts, endothelial cells and osteoblasts.

Once these proteins and growth factors bind to cell receptors, they activate intercellular events that help mediate angiogenesis, promote stem cell migration to the area and stimulate the production of new cellular matrix.

This whole process that begins with the cascade of platelet activation will result in the appearance of new and healthy tissues that are permanent.

Chronic pain is often improved or eliminated, and surgeries may be postponed.

How is platelet-rich plasma PRP created? MediCruz Tampa

Due to the great acceptance that platelet rich plasma treatments have had; it has become the aesthetic fashion of the moment and this has led to an exaggerated marketing that has caused the existence of a great variability in the preparations; handling and the way of administration of PRP.

There are two FDA approved preparation methods to create the PRP solution, the single centrifugation or the double centrifugation.

At MediCruz we use the single centrifugation system, achieving an optimal concentration of platelets. Subsequently; this plasma enriched in activated platelets is extracted from the tubes in syringes with extremely fine needles to be injected into the patients, to whom we previously made a planning of injection areas with a distance of approximately 5 to 7 mm.

Depending on the location and extent of the area to be treated, the amount of PRP to be prepared will depend on this.

Platelet-rich plasma, biostimulation and facial rejuvenation


Who is a good candidate for a PRP facial treatment?

The great advantage of PRP facial rejuvenation is that almost anyone, male or female, can be considered a candidate for the procedure.

It is a treatment that is considered effective on all skin types and at any age. It is an excellent treatment option for people who are entering the world of skin rejuvenation and anti-aging. Looking for ways to increase collagen production and improve the overall quality of their skin.

What not to do after a face plasma?

It is recommended that the day of the PRP application the patient should not sunbathe or apply creams directly to avoid any local infection. During the first 24 hours of the treatment it is advisable not to go to saunas or gymnasiums. Do not wear make-up and avoid sun exposure.

What does the face look like after a plasma treatment?

After the injection of the activated platelet concentrate in the face and neck region, the patient will notice a change in their skin, which is observable approximately 2 to 3 weeks after the injection. The skin feels revitalized and appears firmer, more elastic and luminous.

Most professionals recommend that a minimum of 3 treatment sessions be performed, spaced 3 to 6 months apart. When several PRP treatments are performed, the patient will notice a correction of flaccidity and wrinkles are smoothed.

How long does the PRP result last?

The result lasts approximately 18 months and this will depend on the number of sessions and the amount and concentration of plasma that was injected. It is a simple procedure with a minimum level of complications, however it is a treatment that must be performed by a medical professional certified in this technique.

An important advantage of this procedure is that there is no risk of incompatibility with PRP, being a treatment that is performed with the patient’s own blood.

Facial PRP can be combined with other treatments in aesthetic medicine clinics, such as bioplasty, radiofrequency with microneedles or tensor threads.

Combination of two facial rejuvenation techniques – PRP & Radiofrequency with microneedling

Platelet-rich plasma injections actually work even better when combined with a proven, highly effective technique such as microneedle radiofrequency.

At MedicCruz we have found that by combining microneedle radiofrequency treatments with PRP injections, our patients experience amazing results. Exciting a healthy skin with an improvement of expression creases and slowing down the appearance of the worrying signs of aging.

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