
Pellets clinic Tampa – Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Program

pellets therapy in Tampa: What it is and How it Works

 PELLETS is the possibility to be the same as you were 20 years ago. It is an FDA-approved treatment to alleviate the symptoms of menopause and prevent osteoporosis. In men, it helps restore lost energy and vitality.

It all begins with an evaluation by our medical professionals. 

bioidentical hormone replacement therapy

A general physical examination, which will include the review of all personal history and the presence of conditions that favor or contraindicate the use of bioidentical hormones, including the performance of special blood studies. In a second step a specialized pharmacy will perform the calculation of the adjusted and personalized dose of progressive release of the hormones you need.

In a few days you will be summoned to our medical office and with the use of local anesthesia, the subcutaneous placement of the pellets bioidentical hormones will be performed in a minimally invasive procedure.

follow-up after the program

A medical professional will perform a personalized follow-up of your symptoms and blood hormone levels.



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specialized pharmacy will perform the calculation of the adjusted dosage

hormonas bioidenticas

Pellets clinic in Tampa

Bioidentical Hormones Protocol




Pellets frequently asked questions

An initial consultation is performed by a physician to determine eligibility for inclusion in the bioidentical hormone placement protocol.

After testing to determine the exact amount of hormone the patient needs, extensive laboratory work is performed to ensure that a customized pellet is made with the exact concentration of hormones needed.

The pellets are inserted subcutaneously into the upper buttock area under local anesthesia.

After pellet insertion, the patient should not perform strenuous exercise involving the lower body.

Bathing in tubs, swimming and hot tubs should be avoided for approximately 10 days.

To determine the exact amount of hormone the patient needs, extensive laboratory work is performed to ensure that a customized pellet is made with the exact concentration of hormones needed.

The pellets are inserted subcutaneously into the upper buttock area under local anesthesia.

Pellets last approximately six months, and will depend on gender, weight, individual absorption level and hormone deficiency or excess detected in initial studies.

Pellets clinic in Tampa; are reinserted two to four times a year to help keep the hormones balanced and it may take up to two insertions before the full benefits are felt.

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