Many people today experience difficulties in maintaining an adequate weight or in achieving weight loss when they need to.

Successfully achieving an ideal weight can become a serious problem, especially if you try to do so without professional advice. Most studies on the subject recommend consulting a medical professional who can guide you through the entire process.

At MediCruz we offer our patients a specialized weight loss program with favorable results.

Our program is designed on the basis of a preliminary review of the most recent studies on weight loss and is made up of three fundamental pillars;

The use of semaglutide/Vit B complex, personalized medical follow-up and lifestyle change plans (diet/exercise).

In this way the patient will be able to receive a drug approved by the FDA to be used with the objective of losing weight; will have a step by step medical follow-up in each phase of the program and diet and exercise plans adjusted to the needs; possibilities and expectations of each patient.

Do you want to lose 20 pounds in a short time?

If you want to Lose weight fast in Tampa, semaglutide may be the assured answer to this question.

Semaglutide is the first drug of its kind to be given once a week and is FDA approved to help with chronic weight management. It works best when used in combination with a healthy diet and exercise.

The largest clinical trial showed that adults who took semaglutide lost an average of 15% to 18% of their initial body weight, about 12% more than those who did not take the drug.

Can be used by adults with a body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 30 mg/kg² alone or 27 mg/kg² with at least one weight-related condition, e.g., high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol or type 2 diabetes.


Semaglutide can have side effects, the most common of which are nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting, indigestion or constipation, stomach pain and headache.

The most serious described are associated with the potential risk of pancretitis; gallbladder disease, renal disease and the possibility of occurrence of C-cell tumors of the thyroid.

The latter risk has been seen in animal studies, but has not been confirmed in humans.

Because of this, the FDA advises that semaglutide be used in a supervised manner by a trained medical professional who can determine that the patient has no contraindications to its use and; can effectively manage possible adverse effects that may occur during treatment.

How to lose weight in only 3 months?

At the initial consultation, a medical professional will review your personal, family and medical history. After performing a general physical examination; we will make sure that you meet all the requirements for the use of semaglutide.

At this consultation, blood tests will be ordered, the results of which will be reviewed at a second consultation and; if your values are within normal limits; a medical professional will start the program with the subcutaneous injection of a 0.25mg dose of semaglutide; which will be repeated weekly in association with intramuscular vitamin B complex.

Your dose of semaglutide will be progressively increased every 4 weeks, this will help to make possible side effects more manageable. The target adult maintenance dose is 2.4 mg once a week.

A typical dosing schedule might look like this:

It is possible that some people do not reach the maintenance dose, one cause could be that after 3 months they have already lost the desired weight or that the occurrence of side effects may force them to stop the injections.

If the latter is the case, our medical professional can wait another month before increasing your dose. However, you may be asked to stop the medication if you are unable to reach or maintain your target dose.

How to avoid regaining weight after losing it?

The so-called rebound effect is present in almost all weight loss programs, whether using medications or even after surgical procedures that remove large volumes of fat such as liposuction.

That is why MediCruz promotes personalized follow-up, not only to monitor the side effects of semaglutide, but also to include counseling to protect you from the dreaded rebound effect.

Our lifestyle change guidelines, which means following healthy habits in nutrition, diet and exercise, will prepare you for when your program concludes.

Professionals will track your weight curve, BMI and compliance with the nutrition guidelines on a weekly basis. You will feel the pressure of achieving your goals and your body will progressively adapt to a new lifestyle.

After reaching the desired weight and completing the designed program to Llse weight fast in Tampa; our medical professionals will design a maintenance diet adjusted to your personal tastes, with a higher energy intake, but also greater flexibility.

Our ultimate goal is to achieve a change in your lifestyle habits. It is impossible to diet all your life, if you manage to change your lifestyle and avoid uncontrolled weight gain; we will have achieved our goal, and you will also gain in health.

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