
iv therapy in Tampa delaying aging, combating chronic fatigue syndrome

iv therapy near me

Treatment with nutrient serums, better known as intravenous or simply IV therapies.

It is a procedure in which a preparation containing megadoses of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants; trace elements and chelators, is administered intravenously.

These nutrients are delivered directly into the bloodstream in adequate concentrations to be absorbed by the body.

The health benefits of nutrient serums may include delaying aging, combating chronic fatigue syndrome, enhancing the immune system, minimizing symptoms associated with blood loss or neurological diseases associated with deficiencies of essential vitamins and minerals, among many other reported benefits.

Iv therapy in Tampa

Iv therapy has few contraindications and rarely causes adverse side effects.

Mild bruising and tenderness at the injection site may be experienced after treatment.

Some patients report a slight metallic taste in the mouth, a warm/cold sensation in the arm, and a brief moment of flushing sensation.

It is quite rare for patients to experience allergic reactions or infections due to the treatment.

Treatment begins with a comprehensive medical evaluation consultation, with the goal of determining the specific needs of each patient and defining the best combination of nutrient complex to use. In a comfortable and safe way for the patient, a peripheral vein is approached and a pre-determined serum with the necessary nutrients is placed.

The infusion lasts approximately 45 minutes and is supervised at all times by a trained health professional.


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